Inland rock includes stone runs and the rocky outcrops on the tops of mountains. |
Plants that grow in inland rock and stone runs: |
Lady's Slipper Calceolaria fothergillii |
Teaberry 'Malvina Berry' Myrteola nummularia |
Snake Plant Nassauvia serpens |
Balsam Bog Bolax gummifera |
Bead Plant Nertera granadenis |
Falklands Woolly Ragwort Senecio littoralis |
Falklands Strawberry Rubus geoides |
Almond flower Luzruriaga marginata |
Falkland Rock-cress Phlebolobium maclovianum |
Silvery buttercup Hamadryas argentea |
Vanilla Daisy Leucheria suaveolens |
Falkland Smooth Ragwort Senecio vaginatus |
Pig Vine Gunnera magellanica |
Small Fern Blechnum penna-marina |
Birds that might be seen in inland rock habitats: |
Red-backed Hawk Buteo polyosoma |
Cassin's (Peregrine) Falcon Falco peregrinus cassini |
Crested Caracara 'Carancho' Polyborus p.plancus |
Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura |
Falkland Thrush Turdus falcklandii |
Dark-faced Ground Tyrant Muscisaxicola macloviana |